Employee Engagement It’s Official: It Matters
Which would you rather, having a team full of people dragging their feet, complaining, making excessive mistakes and who hate coming to work?
Or a team full of highly engaged, happy, motivated people who can’t do enough for you?
Yep, I thought so. Employee engagement matters, and having a team who is in the top quartile for employee engagement makes a huge difference, not just to your happiness but to your bottom line as well.
These top companies and teams see 28% less theft. 41% less absenteeism, meaning more and more staff turn up to do their work because they enjoy it. And a whopping 59% lower staff turnover.
And do you think these things affect your profit and cost as a company? You bet. How much does it cost to advertise, interview, hire, train, and level up a new person to replace someone previously? And how much do staff accidents and even a little bit of theft here or there really cost? It’s more than you think. And it can be avoided by focusing on engaging your employees.
What Engagement Doesn’t Mean
Now I’m not talking about the latest rah-rah retreat, where everybody gathers around, drinks smoothies (or cocktails) and whiteboards a bunch of baloney that will never get done.
No. Freaking. Way.
I’m talking about culture. But not “Culture” as a broad, flimsy, consultant-type term. Oh no. I’m talking about culture where I can give you specific steps that anyone (and everyone) can perform every week to create a culture of high engagement and problem solving.
It’s called Designing your work for Ease of Use.
Designing Your Work for Ease of Use
Designing your work for Ease of Use is one of the easiest, fastest, and cost effective ways to improve the engagement of your team and the profit of your company.
The Ease of Use framework may seem simple, but its methods are based on research such as that above, where we are looking to improve the engagement of your teams and make the people you work with happier (and more productive) as a result.
Having a standard, repeatable process with clear outcomes may seem boring or simple, but did you know that 50% of American workers don’t know what is expected of them at work?
Making things visual so you know what to do first time without having to ask may seem mundane, but did you know that every time you have to redo something you’re not sure of, you are effectively doubling, tripling, quadrupling your cost for the same outcome?
Checking in regularly may seem unnecessary to some, but did you know that leaders who check in at least once a week with their team mates and focus on their strengths see a 27% increase in engagement?
Designing your work for ease of use matters. It makes a difference. And as it improves the ease of the work your team performs, it reduces their frustrations and improves their happiness too.
Chat soon – David McLachlan
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