How to Make a Product Comparison Template in Excel
Product or feature benchmarking is a key part of finding out where to go forward in your business. It is easy to do with the right product comparison template. You simply write the features that you are looking at, down one side. Then you note the different companies (or areas, or products) along the top, and note whether they have that feature where the two parts intersect.
Before you know it, you have a clear idea of the companies or products that have the features you want. Here’s how you create one!
Step 1
First setup the general framing and colours for your sheet:
Step 2
Next, add in “Wingdings 2” font, “O” and “P” letters, which will make ticks and crosses.
You can use conditional formatting to colour the “O”s and “P”s like this:
- Home > Conditional Formatting > Cell Value Equal to “P” and “O”, changing the font colour for each.
Step 3
Next add the “Ranking System”, with the formula: =COUNTIF(C6:C37,”P”) at the top of each column.
You can add the right colours with Conditional Formatting:
- Home > Conditional Formatting > Only Top or bottom Ranked Values (1)
Now you have a beautiful Multi-Criteria Product Benchmarking template in Excel!