Leadership Card 16 – What Workers Want

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Design For Ease of Use with Lean CX – Leadership Card 16

Leadership Card 016 What Workers Want - Lean CX Ease of Use

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It’s Not About The Money (Money, Money)

Apart from being the lyrics to a catchy tune in 2011 by Jessie J, it turns out it really isn’t all about the money when it comes to your team and the people within your business.

When Richard Florida took the responses to an information week survey and filtered them for the things that made people want to do a good job, even he was surprised.  Having “Challenge and Responsibility” came in at number one, where a person is given autonomy in completing a task that isn’t too boring for them.  Flexibility came in number two, and job stability at number three – and these two things match up with other studies and research you will see in these Leadership Cards, such as Anthony Robbins’ six human needs where Variety and Comfort are both necessary to our happiness, even though they can be conflicting.

After all of those things, came money at number four.  Yes, we need money to eat, pay the mortgage, put the kids through school and go on date nights with our partner, but it turns out people put a lot of things ahead of it when it comes to their happiness at work.

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators

You see, there is a very large difference in motivating factors within your team.  Sure, there are the obvious ones, like them getting up in the morning and going to work because you’re paying them.  Money and other physical benefits – something external to that person – are known as extrinsic motivators.

But have you ever done something for someone else just because?   Without the need for money and without the need for something in return?  Chances are you’ve experienced an intrinsic motivating force, where you are compelled to do something because it gives you an internal payoff.  Things like working back extra time because you like your leader, or the things you do for your kids or your family or your friends, or perhaps creating something like a drawing or piece of music.

Daniel Pink found three main intrinsic motivators in his book “Drive”.  they occurred when a person had:

  1. Autonomy: Where they are given free reign in solving a problem
  2. Mastery: Where they can work continuously towards mastering a worthy skill
  3. Purpose: Where they are contributing to something greater than themselves

Can you find a way to engineer these into your own work and process?  If you can, the results just might surprise you.

Chat soon – David McLachlan

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