Leadership Quote – Jeff Bezos on Success

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“We’ve had three big ideas at Amazon that we’ve stuck with for 18 years, and they’re the reason we’re successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient.” – Jeff Bezos

Have you heard this Leadership Quote from Jeff Bezos?

Jeff Bezos is an American internet entrepreneur best known as the founder and CEO of Amazon.com. He is famous for obsessing over customers, reducing friction in the user experience, and operational excellence.

Leadership quote Jeff Bezos customer first

Three Big Ideas

Jeff Bezos’ three big ideas may seem simple, but many have tried to pull them off and failed. In fact, most companies end up purely putting lip-service to the “put your customers first” line, instead of truly doing everything they can to improve the customer experience.

Why would you want to put your customers first?

Because customers pay your bills and your wages, by buying your product or service, that’s why.

This is something that most middle managers, even many CEOs unfortunately forget. But even when you have put the customer at the center of your universe, the next challenge is to invent the things that solve their problems instead of having someone else do it.

In fact Toys ‘R’ Us famously used Amazon in the early 2000s to sell toys online, through their merchant marketplace. However by doing so, Toys ‘R’ Us were giving away their data and their power over the customer transaction – data that Amazon willingly used to improve their service for other toy offerings and become even larger. Eventually Toys ‘R’ Us dissolved their partnership with Amazon to start their own online store, but by then the writing was already on the wall. Toys ‘R’ Us ended up filing for bankruptcy just fifteen years later.

Customer first. Invent. And have patience while you perform the small, incremental improvements every day.

– David McLachlan

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