Lean CX Score – Good Customer Experience Engages Your Team By More Than 25%

Lean CX ScoreThis is an excerpt from "The Lean CX Score."  Get your copy now and start creating disruptors that completely annihilate your competition.

Oh and good news!  You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time.  Get the Lean CX Score now.

Good Customer Experience Engages Your Team by More Than 25%

Good customer experience also engages your team, and increases retention and productivity of your team members by a significant amount.

Now you might be thinking, “Surely that can’t be true.”  After all, it’s easy to see how CX can affect the end customer, but improving our team engagement and retention too?  It certainly can.  If anyone you provide a service to is your “customer”, then that means the people you work with all have experiences that can be improved too.

Here’s a quick example.  One of the key steps in the Lean CX Score, as you will soon see, is “Check and Stop”.  Check and Stop means we get feedback quickly and we use it just as fast.  One report by the Gallup Business Journal found that a key factor of highly engaged team-mates was receiving feedback at least once a week *12.

It helped them to know if what they were doing was working; they could adjust where necessary, and it made them want to stay and do a good job.

Compare this with team members where there was no regular check-in.  The research showed they were 97% more likely to be disengaged in their work *13.

Increasing your team’s engagement doesn’t just benefit you if you’re a leader.  Having engaged team-mates has been a huge focus of powerhouses like Google over the past few years because engaged team-mates are happier, have more workplace friends, generally enjoy their lives more and also perform way better than teams that aren’t engaged.

You may have heard the study from Gallup International that found 70% of employees are disengaged at work *14.  But what you may not have heard is that disengaged team members are at least six times more likely to leave their job than team members who are engaged in their work *15.  If you think it’s expensive to acquire customers, it’s extremely expensive to find and hire good staff.  It’s much easier to keep them engaged in the first place.

Engaged team members will also make you more money.  A separate study by the firm Kenexa found that businesses with highly engaged employees achieved twice the annual net revenue on average than businesses with lower engagement scores *16.  That’s a 100% difference in percentage terms of revenue.

All of this comes from just one step in the Lean CX Score.  Can you imagine what will happen when you put them all together?

More chapters from The Lean CX Score book:

Lean CX ScoreThis is an excerpt from "The Lean CX Score."  Get your copy now and start creating disruptors that completely annihilate your competition.

Oh and good news!  You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time.  Get the Lean CX Score now.