Tag Archives: abraham lincoln

Leadership Quote – Abraham Lincoln on Preparation

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“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln 

Have you heard this leadership Quote from Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer, and also the 16th president of the United States (1861 to 1865). Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War, abolished slavery, and modernized the U.S. economy.

Quote-Abraham Lincoln-chop tree-sharpen axe

Don’t Cut a Tree With a Blunt Axe

A tree, in this case, could be a metaphor for any task in your life that will take time to complete. But a tree is a nice, visual way to describe it, and it makes sense that we don’t want to use a blunt axe to chop it down. We want our tool to be sharp. And if we spend that time to prepare our tools for the job, then the job itself takes less time to complete as well.  We’re not spending the full six hours to chop down the tree, it’s now only taking the remaining two hours. The job itself will also be easier with a sharpened axe.

So it begs the question: What are the trees and axes in your life?

What tasks do you have to complete, whether they are new tasks or ongoing? Are you starting a business? Completing some study for an exam? Wanting to get married or find love? Wanting a promotion at work?

What will happen if you take an exam, but do no study? What will happen if start a business, but do no market research? What will happen if you want a promotion, but don’t understand out the area you want to work in?

Sharpening the axe is preparing for the job, and preparing for the job makes the job itself easier.

– David McLachlan

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