It’s Official: Employee Engagement Has A Huge Impact On Your Profit
For years the greatest leaders have had an inkling that teams who are most engaged actually perform better, and bring more prosperity to their business. Well now it’s official. As the latest numbers from the Gallup Engagement Study show, in the state of the American workforce there is a very telling difference in the productivity, sales, and overall profit of businesses within the top quartile of engagement.
If employee engagement is something that you are struggling with, or even just want to improve, I have some good news.
There Is A Proven Way To Higher Engagement: Design Your Work
The Lean CX Score, a book by David McLachlan, outlines six key steps to creating disruptive products and services, and it also improves the speed, morale and engagement of your teams.
With the latest research pointing to the fact that engagement and profit are inexplicably linked, it may not surprise you that if the Lean CX Score impacts speed and morale, it also has a higher likelihood of creating disruptive products and outstanding businesses.
The six key steps of the Lean CX Score have been linked to research in psychology, business, and plain old motivation. But the main aspect of all of them is the principle of intentionally designing your work, and intentionally designing your product and your experience, so that it meets the needs of your users in a way that keeps them engaged.
When we say “keeping them engaged”, it works for both your customers and your team. Engaged customers are the ones who return to your product, again and again. They are the ones who are your biggest fans, the ones who would walk an extra block to buy from you instead of your competitor.
And engaged team mates are the ones who will go the extra mile for their managers and for their customers – whether it is internal “customers” that they serve with a report or task, or the final, end customer who pays their wage by buying your product or service.
If you haven’t got a copy of the Lean CX Score, I highly recommend you check it out. I guarantee it will have a huge impact on your life.

Oh and good news! You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time. Get the Lean CX Score now.