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Excerpts From The Lean CX Score Book

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Lean CX Score Book

Preview chapters from The Lean CX Score book:

Lean CX ScoreThis is an excerpt from "The Lean CX Score."  Get your copy now and start creating disruptors that completely annihilate your competition.

Oh and good news!  You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time.  Get the Lean CX Score now.

Introducing The Lean CX Score by David McLachlan

“I am absolutely thrilled to introduce the Lean CX Score, and an excerpt from the Introduction of the book below.  The book starts with a bang and never lets go, and even within this short piece of the Lean CX Score you will hear stories and see research with the power to help you create disruptive products and services.  I hope you enjoy it!”

– David McLachlan

Lean CX ScoreThis is an excerpt from "The Lean CX Score."  Get your copy now and start creating disruptors that completely annihilate your competition.

Oh and good news!  You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time.  Get the Lean CX Score now.
Lean CX Score framework


Tom Corley woke up early one morning and realised something incredible.

He had spent the past five years following more than 300 people with the aim of answering a very specific question, and he finally had the answer.  You see, Tom had always wanted to know if our habits – the things we did every day – really did have an effect on our lives.

More specifically, Tom wanted to know if there were certain habits that separated the country’s wealthiest people – with a net worth of $3.2 million or more, and those who were just getting by, with a net worth of $5,000 or less.

Was the difference to do with their family?  Was it where they lived?  Or where they went to school?  No, it wasn’t any of those things.  In fact, when Tom finally found it, it surprised even him.

The number one habit of the country’s wealthiest people was something that anyone could do, although most people don’t.  It was reading.  But not just any reading.  It was reading for self-improvement *1.

It was something that you are doing right now.

I told you this story because I believe by reading this book you are doing something special.  After all, how often is it that someone picks up a book like this?  It could have been that person you work with, the person browsing the books next to you or maybe someone else in your family.  But it was you.

Reading for self-improvement was also what I was doing, before the discovery of the Lean CX Score.  I was searching for answers, and I was searching for improvement just like you.  I read hundreds of books on ways to improve life and business, and in fields such as strategy, team building, personal psychology, business improvement and project management.

It’s no accident that this number one habit makes such a difference.  It works because the more you learn, the more people you can help.  And the more people you can help, the more you, too, are rewarded – with a better business, happier team-mates, more paying customers, a better income, and a happier life.

The most successful companies provide a service to thousands (if not millions) of people, and are rewarded with millions (or billions) of dollars in return.  Apple, Uber, Amazon, Zappos, Microsoft, Google, Netflix – the names may change but the principles stay the same.  It was in studying these companies that were a success that I discovered the six key things anyone can do to make their own lives a success.

These six key things not only created businesses that completely outdid their competition, but they also improved the morale, speed and productivity of normal teams and tasks as well.  It was something that needed to be revealed so all could benefit, instead of just a chosen few.

It was something that needed to be shared.

The Customer is Always Right… Right?

It needed to be shared because most people aren’t getting the full story, and even then, the information is often conflicting.

Take just two recent examples, both from first class institutions.  The Harvard Business Review revealed that while “delighting customers” was the focus of many CEOs and leadership teams, it wasn’t the key to keeping customers coming back.  Reducing their effort – the work they had to do to get their problem solved – was the real solution to repeated sales *2.

But research by a firm called Ebiquity took the opposite view, where they found in 2014 that 75% of customers who received a “delightful” customer experience were willing to spend more with the companies that gave it to them *3.

Which one is right?

You’ll have to read on for the answer.  But when you do, you will see exactly how this research works, and how you can use them both to seriously improve your own results.  We will use real life stories and research, and it will be a handy resource to keep and have all this information in the one place.

If you’re curious to learn more about it, let’s reveal a little piece of the Lean CX Score to get started.

What is the Lean CX Score?

The Lean CX Score is a set of six separate, actionable steps, all equally important to your CX.  Each step in the Lean CX Score has one question.  If you answer the question positively you get a point, but if you answer the question negatively you have some work to do to improve.  Five out of six points means you are delivering an outstanding customer experience.  Anything below that means you have an opportunity for greater profit by improving – or face the threat of your competition stealing your customers.  It’s that simple.

Here are the steps…

  • To see the rest of the Lean CX Framework, its research and stories, you can get the full Lean CX Score on Amazon now, and be the disruptor, not the disrupted!

More chapters from The Lean CX Score book:

Lean CX ScoreThis is an excerpt from "The Lean CX Score."  Get your copy now and start creating disruptors that completely annihilate your competition.

Oh and good news!  You'll be improving the speed, morale and engagement of your teams at the same time.  Get the Lean CX Score now.