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“It is vain to do more what can be done with less.” – William of Ockham
Have you heard this leadership quote from the creator of “Occam’s Razor”, William of Ockham?
William of Ockham was an English friar, philosopher, and theologian. He is considered to be one of the major figures of medieval thought and is most commonly known for Occam’s razor, the principle that everything should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Taking Occam’s Razor a Step Further
This quote takes William of Ockham’s thoughts a step further. Not only has he said that everything should be as simple as possible, but he actually states that it is simply vain to do more what can be done with less.
In other words, if you are using a million dollars to build a product when it could be built for $1,000, he considers this vain. Others may not be so lenient – they may instead consider it just plain stupid.
Occam’s Razor and The Lean Startup
This is the also concept of the Minimum Viable Product or MVP from the Lean Startup. An MVP is the most minimal, usable feature that you can build and release to your customers so they can see, feel and touch it. Then, but seeing what they like or don’t like, and also seeing whether anyone actually cares enough to buy it, you are able to determine whether to build more, create more features, or to pivot into a new or different idea.
Simplicity Means Fewer Defect and Mistakes
By reducing things to their most simple form, we’re also reducing the opportunity for mistakes, breakages and defects. How many times have you bought something fancy and complicated, only for it to break and then cost you the earth or fix or replace? When a simple version of the same item may not have been as “cool”, but it lasts you for years and years and years.
Can you think of ways to simplify your work, your products or your life?
– David McLachlan
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